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It’s a small window to who we are and what we’re about, and we built it for you.
Whether you’ve just started dreaming about your first home, or you’ve been preparing for your next real estate adventure and researching current trends, here you’ll find the information you need in a clean and concise manner. We’re proud of the educational content we offer and love knowing we’re helping people become properly informed for their future real estate endeavors. More importantly, we respect your privacy—you will never be required to provide your contact information, nor to register for your home search. But when you’re ready to talk or type about real estate, give us a call or send us an email, and we’ll gladly answer any questions you may have. Thanks for stopping in! We hope you enjoy our site.
Experience Personalized Real Estate Service
Our personalized, client focused culture is guided by the belief that real estate is about people—not property. With Cooper Real Estate Group, you’ll never simply be a file number with a budget parameter attached to it. We know and care about our clients, and we share in their goals and dreams.
11945 Indian Creek Road South
Indianapolis, IN 46259
Office Map